Dog Identifier

Upload a dog

Upload a photo of any dog here and get a prediction for its breed.

Drag and drop images

Maximum file size 5MB


Welcome to my advanced dog breed identifier.

This web application is the culmination of my comprehensive dissertation project, which involved the development of a sophisticated Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) designed to accurately identify dog breeds from single 224x224 photos. The CNN achieves an impressive 85.2% accuracy and has been trained on an extensive dataset comprising 152,000 dog photos, representing 269 distinct breeds.

The training dataset is a meticulously curated collection that encompasses computer vision datasets like Stanford Dogs, Tsinghua Dogs, and Oxford-IIIT Pet., alongside carefully acquired web scraped images. This meticulous approach ensures the model's capability to recognize a diverse range of breeds, regardless of the image source.

One of my primary objectives is to provide an efficient and user-friendly experience. The web app has been optimised for speed and simplicity, allowing users to effortlessly upload a photo of a canine companion and promptly receive the precise breed identification.

For access to the dataset, please contact [email protected].